Wow Best Quest Addon
World of Warcraft was initially released back in 2004. Since then, has received a lot of attention, especially due to the impressive user interface.With the objective of taking that experience to the next level, the enterprising modders have given life to a large number of many other WoW addons. These addons have the ability to introduce impressive capabilities into the game.The new WoW add-ons range from the capability to help you manage the inventory in the game to completely transform the user interface that you can see. Therefore, it is worth to take a look at the WoW addons and see what you will be able to get out of them.
LightHeaded is a very simple addon that displays quest information and comments from. Factionizer 92.26 KB 279 downloads Features how many reputation points are missing to the next reputation.
Our List Of 20 Best WoW AddonsHere is a list of 20 best WoW addons that are available for you to consider. 1.Opie can be considered as one of the simplest WoW addons available for you to consider.
It has got the ability to create a contextual radial menu.Therefore, you will be provided with the ability to access some of the functionalities provided by the action bar with the help of your mouse.This is not a necessary addon, but you will be able to make your life easy when you play the game due to the presence of it. You will love the unique experience that this addon can provide to you as well. 2.If you are interested in making gold within World of Warcraft game, Auctioneer Suite is the add-on that you need to consider. It will become your best friend in the long run, as you will be able to make a lot of gold within the game.Auctioneer Suite has got the ability to do a complete overhaul within your auction house. The interface of it has got the ability to scan the marketplace with the objective of tracking buyout prices and bids.It can also track the number of items sold. Therefore, you will be provided with all the information, which you need to have when you are selling something or buying something in the auction house.One of the best features that you can see in Auctioneer Suite is that it would provide you with the selling price based on statistical math and black magic.Therefore, you will be able to get the best possible experience when you are selling something on the auction site, with the help of the Auctioneer Suite addon.Bean Counter is another impressive functionality that this WoW addon will be able to provide you with.
It has got the ability to track your posting and bids.Therefore, you will be able to get a report on the profitability of the items at the end of the day. In other words, you can easily determine what items are in a position to assist you make money in the long run. Then you can stick to them. 3.Gatherer is the best WoW addon available for the gatherers and crafters out there. When you are using this addon, you will be able to determine the exact location of Herbalism, mining and treasure location within the mini map.This is done by remembering the specific location of all the resource nodes that you have discovered within the game.Now you might think that this is not a smart addon because you will need to find the nodes to get started with it.
But when you are accessing the functionality that is given by this addon, you will figure out how awesome it is.That’s because you will be provided with the chance to locate the place where precious resources are available at all times. LookingForGroupLookingForGroup is one of the most controversial WoW addons available for you to consider. People have been over the availability of addons, which would place them in the groups of the World Quests automatically.It has been compromised with the help of LookingForGroup.
In other words, you will be able to use the LookingForGroup addon in order to look for the groups, without going through any pain or frustration.You will be provided with a nice looking interface to do it as well. When you reach level 120, you will be able to use LookingForGroup to get your hands on World Quests in a convenient manner. 5.This is an addon that you will be able to use after you reach level 120 in the World of Warcraft game.
Once you reach level 120, you might not be interested in going through the same process again with a different character.In such a situation, Azeroth Auto Pilot can provide you with the ability to enter into an auto pilot model. This can help you to level up within a short period of time.Therefore, you will be able to automate most of the tiny things that can be found within the game to grind up a new character. Therefore, you will be able to reach the maximum level in World of Warcraft game in a more convenient manner.When you have installed the Azeroth Auto Pilot, you will be able to discover an arrow, which can guide you from one quest to another.This is the most optimized path and you just need to follow it, while interacting with the items. Therefore, you will be able to put the journey of your character is complete auto pilot mode with the help of this addon.
6.World Quest Tracker is an addon that introduces temporary daily quests to the people who keep on playing World of Warcraft game. You will be able to take a break from the outdated map interface that you can find in World of Warcraft, once you start playing the game with this addon.In fact, it has got the ability to fix all the issues that are linked to the outdated map of the game. World Quest Tracker addon will take you to a zoomed out view.Then you will be able to take a look at the rewards, which are linked with the goals. Therefore, you will be able to select the reward icon and then track multiple world quests automatically.This will keep you away from the hassle of checking the map again and again. You will also be able to see the stats on a green screen, which tracks the number of quests that you would complete, along with the number of cumulative rewards that are available for you to get. 7.WeakAuras 2 can be considered as one of the most complex addons that you will be able to discover in the World of Warcraft game.
It is pretty much similar to a framework.This framework provides you with the ability to display specialized graphical elements within the screen. They indicate debuffs, buffs and few other status effects, without bombarding the eyes.They will be displayed in the form of meters and numbers for your convenience. WeakAuras 2 provides you with access to some of the insane customization capabilities.Visual cues and sound elements hold a prominent place out of them.
One of the most impressive features that you can find in WeakAuras 2 is that, even if you don’t have energy to go ahead and do your own programmed customs, you will be able to import the templates, which belong to the other players.You will be able to find such templates on the internet. This can make your life easy when you are trying to customize the game according to your specific requirements. 8.Omen Threat Meter is an impressive addon, which is in a position to provide assistance to you with DPS and healers. This is done by showing the aggro levels of every single party member.This can help you irrelevant of the monster that you are dealing with in World of Warcraft game. Therefore, you will be able to figure out whether you are in the risk of stealing aggro from the god forbid or tank.When the tank dies in the battle, you can easily understand who will be the next target. In addition, you will be able to find such valuable information when you are spending your time in the dungeons or when you are busy with the high level raids.Therefore, you will fall in love with the overall functionality that Omen Threat Meter addon can provide to you. 9.If you are looking for an accurate DPS meter along with an excellent graphical user interface, Details!
Damage Meter is one of the best options available for you to consider. This meter is in a position to help you figure out the exact level of damage that can happen to you as well as the other members in your party.This is done due to the ability of Details! Damage Meter addon to stiff through the combat log. In case if you are playing the game with a damage dealing spinalization, getting your hands on such details can provide an excellent assistance to you.It will not just help you to level up in the game with minimum hassle.
The optional tools available are godsend and you will appreciate the functionalities that it can unlock for you. For example, you will also be able to take a look at the item level and the talent choices that your party members would have. 10.Among the combat WoW addons available for you in World of Warcraft game, OmniCC has received a lot of attention. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to take a look at this addon as well.This looks like a tiny addon, but it can provide you with a large number of effective features in the long run. For example, you will be able to use this add on in order to add text into the action bar items.
Therefore, you will be able to get a better understanding about the cooldown capabilities that you have.OmniCC can also expose you to few nifty customization capabilities. For example, you can easily determine when the cooldown timer would start and you will be able to see it in the fractions of a second.
11.World of Warcraft game introduced dynamic level scaling with one of the recently launched patches. Dynamic Cam will provide a great help for you to take that functionality to the next level within the game. Therefore, you will be able to transform the way how your characters would level up within the game.Dynamic Cam can provide an excellent assistance for you to get started off with a fresh character within the game. In addition, you will also be able to experience the battle with Azeroth from a unique viewpoint.When you are using the Dynamic Cam addon, you will feel that World of Warcraft is more similar to a third person action game. Hence, this can be considered as a good addon available for the players to consider, in order to bring the much-needed change within the game. 12.ElvUI can be considered as one of the more popular total conversion addons that are available for you to consider in the World of Warcraft game. That’s because it has got the ability to convert the interface elements of all the players in the game.
This change is pretty good.That’s because the interface will become more readable and modern to you. ElvUI can also provide you with a good looking user interface. You will fall in love with the customization capabilities that this addon can provide to you in the long run.In fact, the overhaul of the user interface can expose you to a large number of additional customization capabilities in the game. Therefore, you can take the experience that you have with World of Warcraft game to a whole new level with the assistance that you can get out of ElvUI addon. MoveAnythingMoveAnything can be considered as one of the most simple, but straightforward addons that you will be able to try when playing the World of Warcraft game.
However, it is also important to keep in mind that it is one of the most powerful addon.That’s because you will be able to use this addon to take control over every single element in the user interface. You will not just be provided with control over the action bars, but you can also control the mini map location, portrait location and quest list.If you are tired with the interface of World of Warcraft and if you are looking for a change in it, MoveAnything will be a good option available to go forward with. BagnonThe inventory system that you can discover within World of Warcraft game is a pretty mess.
If you want to overcome this mess, you can seek the assistance of an addon such as Bagnon. When you install this addon, you will not be provided with one large inventory.Instead, you will be provided with separate bags, which you can use in order to store all the stuff that you will come across while you are exploring the game.The Bagnon addon and the functionality offered by it can be quite cumbersome for some players to deal with. But when you get used to it, you will find yourself more organized in the game.It has got the ability to replace the entire inventory window in the game. Therefore, you can conveniently store all your items, without going through any pain or frustration. Deadly Boss ModsIf you find it as a difficult task to get through the complex boss fights that are available in World of Warcraft game, you will be able to get the assistance of an addon such as Deadly Boss Mods. It will help you to make the boss fights more approachable.That’s because this addon can provide you with real time alerts and you will always be able to stay one step ahead.
When you have installed Deadly Boss Mods addon, you will be able to memorize all the boss fights as well. The camera effects and alerts would warn you beforehand.Therefore, you will be able to complete the dangerous attacks in a successful manner and all you have to do is to follow the simple instructions that you can get.The dungeon and raid timers will also be synchronized among team members by this addon. Therefore, all the team members will be able to stay in the same page, while playing the game. Bartender 4The hotbars that you can find in World of Warcraft game are outdated and you would agree to me on that point. If you want to get rid of this frustrating interface and transform the game into an interesting one, you will be able to take a look at the Bartender 4 addon.Then you will not have to worry about too many customization capabilities. You will be provided with complete control over 10 different action bars.You can also control the size, position and the transparency levels of these action bars according to the specific requirements that you have in your mind.
TomTomTomTom is an addon in World of Warcraft, which can help you to take the default user interface to the next level. With the help of this addon, you will be able to make use of the map coordinates in a more useful manner.When you are playing the game, you will be able to set your waypoints with the help of display coordinates.
In addition, you will also be able to receive a navigation arrow on the user interface, which will point you in the direction of the waypoint or the objective.Therefore, you will be able to get an excellent assistance when you are trying to move forward in the World of Warcraft game. Shadowed Unit FramesShadowed Unit Frames is one of the most efficient addons that you can find among the World of Warcraft addons. That’s because it can provide you with a configurable unit frame replacement. You will be able to determine the exact amount of frames that needs to be appeared when you are playing the game.In addition, you will be provided with the opportunity to move those frames and anchor the frames into the other frames as well.Since this can be done in a sensible manner, you will be able to get a smooth experience while you play Shadowed Unit Frames.
The immense amount of customization capabilities that this addon can provide you are fascinating. GridGrid is one of the oldest World of Warcraft addons available for you to consider. Almost all the World of Warcraft players have experience with this addon as well.The popularity of this addon reached its peak during the Burning Crusade. However, few changes have been made to the Grid addon during the recent past, with the objective of making it deliver a better experience to the players.Any person who is looking for a raid frame solution providing addon will be able to take a look at Grid and the benefits that come along with it.
Master PlanMaster Plan is an addon that can help you to optimize your missions in the World of Warcraft game within a short period of time. You will also be able to get the results back to you in a report form, from every single player in the game.Therefore, you will be able to enjoy World of Warcraft game, when you are playing it along with the assistance of Master Plan.Master Plan is the most popular and the sleekest addon available for you to maximize the effectiveness of Garrison when you are playing World of Warcraft game. Therefore, you can take a look at it without keeping any doubts in your mind.
Have recently released a new expansion into their Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), (WoW). On 30th August 2016 “Legion” was brought out to the public, almost two years after the previous expansion “Warlords of Draenor - released on 13th November 2014.New expansions mean new playing methods for your characters, new updates, completely new areas, new quests, additional story lines and updates to addons!We are going to be looking at the 11 best WoW Legion addons you should be using to help you through this new release and to make the most out of the experience.11 - AtlasLoot - EnhancedFirstly, take a look at the guide video below to see if this is something you are interested in. Informative AtlasLoot - Enhanced video guide on how to use the addon. What it does:AtlasLoot is an excellent and informative mod to the game. It is a User Interface mod that allows the player to browse through all the items dropped by bosses in the game.
How to use the NPCScan mod addon What it does:NPCScan allows the user to search and scan for NPCs in the game that are close to your current location. It does this by automatically scanning your surround minimap, the nameplates of NPCs and mouseover target NPCs. When the addon has found an NPC it will automatically alert the user with an onscreen display and audio alert. Why do you need it:NPCScan opens up and allows players to hunt down and find rare NPC’s in the game that offer rewards. These rewards can vary from mounts, weapons and companions.Some NPCs have extremely rare spawn times, meaning it could take up to a week after another character has killed this NPC before it will come back into the game. Having the NPCScan on your side means you can track not only the NPC itself but also see the last time it was killed and when it is likely to respawn.Download the mod addon here:09 - Sell JunkSell Junk is possibly one of the oldest mods in WoW having been created in 2007.
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What it does:Sell Junk is basically an addon that does as it’s name suggests - allows the user to sell junk! For anyone with any experience in playing WoW knows the accumulation of “junk” (grey items) is fast and annoying, taking up valuable bag space. This addon allows a quick and easy way for users to sell their junk to any in game vendors. The user can specifically add any other items they wish to be implemented into this list of junk.The addon also keeps track and calculates how much gold you have made from selling your junk to vendors.Sell Junk can also allow you to destroy all the junk items if you are too far from a vendor. Why do you need it:Unwanted items are an inconvenience to most WoW players. They take up a lot of bag space, and for items that hold so much storage - they do not have any value for money.
They are useless items like bones, low level drinks and food, useless armor and clothing.Instead of going to a vendor and having to individually sell them one by one, this addon allows the mass sale of all these unwanted items to the vendor in quick time. Allowing you to do what you bought the game for - playing, raiding and PVPing!Download the addon here:08 - Tell Me When (TMW)I would highly recommend this addon to anyone who is deciding to play WoW for the first time, or are trying out a new character you haven’t player yet.
Extremely useful guide for an extremely useful addon - Tell Me When What the addon does:TMW provides visual and audio alerts about your characters cooldowns, buffs and any other elements of the in game combat system.TMW is a very flexible addon that tracks your cooldowns, buffs and debuffs, temporary weapon enhancements, spell casts, rune cooldowns, internal cooldowns, loss of control situations and many more.The addon can be easily customized to suit the users needs, allowing you to change the audio sound of alerts, alter the text when icons have been changed and more. Why do you need it:When it comes to the combat aspect of WoW, whether it is PvE or PvP, there are a lot of buttons and options for you to choose from. Knowing the best rotation of your character for the best output can be difficult, unless you have extensive experience playing your character.TMW provides you with the guidelines any new playable character needs to have a decent and ideal output to the game.Download the mod addon here:07 - PostalThe idea behind Postal is provide players of WoW enhanced support when it comes to the mailing system.
Guide to using Postal in game. What it does:Postal allows you to track every one of your characters in the mailing system, and up to the last 20 people you have sent mail too.Postal also has a lot of short cuts implemented into the mailing system to make the process a lot quicker. You can easily remove items or money from mail you have without needing to open it up and then remove.
Allows you to swiftly move an item in your inventory to a mail letter without the need to open your bags, click and drag the item into the mailing system.It also allows you to open all of your mail, or open all of a specific type of mail in one simple motion.It provides a lot of benefits and enhances the mailing system in the game significantly! Setting up and using Bartender 4 for a custom look! What it does:This addon allows the user to replace WoW’s standard action bar that holds your characters moves, and personally customize it to the way that you want.Bartender 4 provides support for all related action bars; from you characters standard action bar - you now have up to 10 action bars to custom you layout.
It gives the option to personalize a stance bar for your character, a pet bar, bag bar layout, an XP and reputation bar as well as a micro menu bar. You are able to adjust the scale and colour of the bars buttons, and even hide unwanted information that comes with the action buttons.
Why you need it:This is another highly recommended addon for WoW players. The standard action bar implemented by WoW is limited and you cannot get the best output from your character using it.Bartender 4 allows you to customize the look of your action bars buttons, meaning you can place them where you want; allowing you to put related actions next to each other and enhance your characters output to the game.Download this mod here:05 - Auctionator. Tutorial guide and configuration of Auctionator. What it does:Auctionator was created to allow users to use the in game auction house a lot easier. It’s UI presents you with listings of the item or items, such as materials, cloths or other ingredients you have searched in a clear and understandable manner. It makes using the auction house a lot easier and establishes a more casual approach to the experience.An in game view of how the Auctionator addon displays searched items.
Why you need it:The in game auction house can be a bit daunting at first, there are a lot of products on there from a lot of players, and trying to find the right items you need at a decent value can be troublesome.The Auctionator addon removes this difficult process and allows the users to find the items they want quicker, and display them in a relevant order (lowest price first, time left on auction etc).Download the addon here:04 - Auctioneer. Basic Auctioneer addon run through. What it does:This addon is designed to provide the user with the tools and relevant data to make tough auctioning decisions a lot easier.Auctioneer makes the process of buying and selling on the auction house a lot easier!It displays statistics for the user to look at whilst strolling through the auction house such as; the percentage amount that a particular item has been placed on the auction house, if the item is overpriced or good value for gold and more.
Why you need it:Auctioneer has a lot of data behind it, the system used in this addon analysis’s the whole auction house to give you a detailed report.When selling items it will allow you to view who else is selling the item or items that you are, so you can get a good idea of how much to sell your product for. It is a very useful auctioning addon, and should be used by anyone who is interested continually buy and selling from the auction house.Download this mod addon here:03 - RecountThe Recount addon is a very intelligent addon, and I would advise everyone to get this mod for their gaming experience in WoW. What it does:Every time your character does a damaging move, there will be a statistic number for the damage you have dealt. Recount keeps track of all this data and graphically displays it so that you can see the damage output of your character.Recount keeps an account of every move you have used, how often, the highest amount of damage it has dealt, the lowest, how many times it has been a critical hit and the average damage dealt by this move or moves. This addon will also take into consideration any damage done to a target that characters with pets and other miscellaneous aspects do.This addon will also track any healing done by your character if you are a healing class, and tracks other important pieces of information through a combat encounter.
Wow Best Vanilla Quest Addons
Why you need this addon:Anyone who is serious about the output of damage they put into the game needs this addon so they can track and improve their rotation.Recount doesn’t only track your own characters damage, but also the output done by other members of your party when you are raiding or PvPing. This will allow you to compare your character to the other members in your party, making it more competitive.Download the addon here:02 - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)This addon is usually a must have mod for any raiding guilds in the game. DBM run through and simple explanation on how to use this addon. What it does:DBM is a very important addon when it comes to serious raiding in the game.
The addon is designed to give visual, graphic and audio alerts during raid boss encounters. These alerts range from specific boss moves, changes in the fight (phases), minion spawns, buffs and debuffs and a lot more.This addon can also be used for your own personal benefit. It will allow you to set raid warnings, timers, alert other players of danger easily, shout out any special moves you have used to let your party members know and benefit from it, etc. Why you need it:As I’ve mentioned, this is a must have addon for anyone who is thinking about serious raiding when it comes to WoW Legion.Anyone with experience in raiding knows how much attention is required to kill a boss in WoW; Legion will be no different. This addon will allow you to make important split second decisions whilst in combat, it will save your life probably more times than you realize, and provides the user and raid members with countless and priceless information about any given raid.Download this important addon here:01 - Master PlanMaster plan is an addon brought out in 2014 with the expansion of “Warlords of Draenor”.
Tutorial to using Master Plan in your Garrison! What it does:The Master Plan addon was specifically designed for your Garrison in the previous expansion - Warlords of Draenor.It was created to make the prospect of sending your followers on missions and to maximize the mission success and rewards a lot easier. This addon will visually show the threats of the mission your followers will face and allow the optimal selection of a team for the best result with a click of a button.The Master Plan addon also has a “followers” tab to allow you to see the best armor upgrades for them, and what traits you may want to re-roll, change and or keep. Why you need it:This addon is very fresh and very useful, since owning your own Garrison is a huge part to WoW from the previous expansion.Deciding what missions to send your followers on and trying to get an optimal team for the best result from the mission, was a little time consuming. But this addon allows a quick analysis to be done with a simple click of a button to input the top followers with the highest percentage success rate.
Wow Best World Quest Addon
Time saving and very useful.Master Plan allows you to easily collect the rewards from successful missions with a simple click of a button in the “Active missions” tab. This saves time and cuts out the usual animation process implemented to be displayed once a mission is completed.Download this mod addon here:Bonus Addon - HandyNotes Legion Treasures. Quick run through and explanation to how this addon works in game! What it does:The HandyNotes addon allows you to easily and quickly find and locate treasure whilst playing the game.This bonus update for Legion applies the same concept.Downloading this addon will save you a lot of time, as the mod is designed to visually display all the locations in your area on your minimap and when you open up the whole map. Why you need it:Treasure hunting is growing ever more popular; and with the upgrades, resources and other fun items you can find in the chests, it's easy to see why.Save yourself some time, find get hunting, get involved and find the best gear, most resources and fun items Legion has to offer it's players in the new expansion!Download this addon here:You may also be interested in reading the following articles:12345.