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Best Warcraft 3 Race

Best Warcraft 3 Race 9,3/10 1286 votes

A Subreddit covering the WC3 RTS community. Do not post about WC3 custom games here.If your submission get's stuck in the spam filter message the moderators.Featured Live Streams NameViewers321201Schedule DateEvent//////////The Basics- In-depth guide to 3rd party servers, tools, guides and moreDiscord BuddiesLeagues and Tournaments-Coverage of all tournaments worldwideEuropean & American TournamentsRussian Tournaments(English manual) News, Replays and Other Sitescovering all WC3 news (German)extensive WC3 site (Chinese)andStreams and VideosWarcraft Streams at //. Well, if we include the racial bonuses and strategies then the tier list is different than just a list of the heroes in a vacuum, here would be mine assuming racial bonuses and the possibility of dual-heroing or tri-heroing:Tier 1:BlademasterDeath KnightArchmageDemon HunterPandaran BrewmasterTier 2:Mountain KingBlood MageShadow HunterLichBeastmasterDark RangerNaga Sea WitchTier 3:PaladinTauren ChieftainTinkerPitlordWardenThen the rest.

No doubt Blademaster is God but Death Knight, Archmage and Demon Hunter can fit in to any strategy by their respective races and can be picked at any stage of the game and be useful. Death Knight can heal and provides Sanic speed, Archmage has a useful summon and the best aura, Demon Hunter has Mana Burn. The only reason I wouldn'y put Blademaster in it's own tier is because the orc racial bonuses aren't that potent. Orc players practically have to pick Blademaster because their army isn't very damage intensive but thats a discussion for a different time. Also, the blademaster is a terrible second or third hero due to it's fragile nature, lack of strong support from other heroes beyond the Shadow Hunter and needs items to really be powerful.

Pandaran Brewmaster can be picked by any race, any time. First, second or third position and it'll do fine.Tier 2 is for heroes that can be picked almost any time, make decent first pick heroes but shine better with additional support or can't carry the game themselves but greatly assist another hero or a specific strategy. Mountain King is really strong for example and can be a single hero to power to 6 for Avatar but generally works best with an Archmage or a Bloodmage backing them up. Blood Mage has always been great. Mana Drain and Banish are extremely powerful in the human army that is about persistent fighting to wear down opponents.

Banish-Bolting is awesome. Dark Ranger, Beastmaster and Naga are all picked by various races for various strategies and support tier one heroes fantastically. Lich is so high up merely because it is the orb holder for Undead. It's Frost Nova combos well with Death Coil and Frost Armor shits on Blademasters but let's face it. Orb of Corruption. Without Orb, Lich is Third tier. Shadow Hunter can't carry Orc on it's own but its heal is amazing and hex works so well with the blademaster and raiders.

True warcraft 3 is a lot of fun, especially its campaign, which is my favourite in a rts. My favourite race is the night elves, mostly because of its uniqueness. There is no best race in World of Warcraft. Each race has access to a unique racial ability that might give one or two of its classes a special advantage over another race, but in the end, taking.

Everyone also loves firesnek totems in cheesy games.For tier 3, its basically justh eroes that are either niche pick (Night Elves only pick Tinker as third hero against orc for example) or aren't great first or second pick but may see use as third pick. Some people will probably hang me for putting Warden in tier three but Warden doesn't combo well with other heroes. She desperately needs exp to become powerful. Mountain King and Warden have similar strategies (rush to 6) but Mountain King can work with Blood Mage or even in a tri-hero comp. Warden ONLY works in first position and is very mana hungry if she is constantly harassing. No doubt she is strong but getting a second hero for support generally is a bad idea with her out making her more 'niche' than the Mountain King imho.

Tauren Chieftain is really high tier 3. Maybe low tier two but I put it here because it is very mana hungry, something Orc has no real way around besides letting the cow chug tons of potions. All abilities are fantastic and TC is picked often but it is always supporting the blademaster and even then, it's usually better just to get a shadow hunter or go tri-hero.

Pitlord is seeing more and more play but that may be just my perception but right now it's still tier 3 simply because Undead gets some use out of it on occasion against Orc. Paladin is rarely picked anymore but when it is, it does ok. It is always backing up a Mountain King and more than likely a Blood Mage. Humans have good heroes all around so it makes the Paladin look bad but in reality, its just stiff competition.Everything else is really really niche or gimmickyBut this is just like, my opinion man. Crypt Lord is used as a third hero on occasion but it faces stiff competition from the Pit Lord (tankier due to howl of terror) and Dark Ranger (Squishier but has silence and mr. Skeltal arrows). Every once and awhile i've seen Crypt Lord second or third and it does well if you can land very good Impales but the Undead army really likes that Pit Lord or Dark Ranger more due to either Howl making everything in your army tankier or Dark Ranger having a quicker, easier way to interrupt bad guys and skeltals can be consumed by Lich and Death Knight for health/mana.

Crypt Lord just doesn't have the mana to spam Impale AND beetles so it is inferior in the summoning regard.Alchemist is a silly hero that has been picked every once and awhile. There are a few games that have been cast where the alchemist has been paired with Orc and Human. I think Grubby did it recently against an Undead for funsies. I saw a human game that was Alchemist/Paladin/Blood Mage and was 'Heals City'. Over all the alchemist has mana issues and has trouble fitting in. All of it's abilities sound fantastic on paper but without a huge mana pool, it can't take advantage of all of it and usually sticks to Chemical Rage and Healing Spray. You'd think Archmage - Alchemist but human already has a solid healer in the Paladin if you need one and Undead can't Coil the alchemist to heal him so he's inferior to Lich + Orb (As opposed to Acid Bombing things).Firelord is a hero I'd like to see more against Orc, particularly with Night Elf.

He has a summon and his Soul Burn is very useful against Blademasters. The issue is that the Beastmaster already exists who is tankier and has more summons (And hawk to spot invisibility). Lava Spawns are expensive and rather fragile. It's the same issue as Alchemist really, it doesn't fit anywhere that another hero can already perform well or better in.For shenanigans, Archmage, Firelord, Beastmaster for ultimate summons but that would be feeding so much exp to your opponent that it really isn't viable at higher levels of play. PotM is just bad.

Pure auto attacker in an army that desperately needs a tank or some kind of control. She has little to no use against any foe although her aura is amazing in team games. UD + NE team games usually have a PotM with the huntress+fiends combo but in 1v1 she doesn't see any use at all.

Best Warcraft 3 Race

Her ult is incredible but easily interrupted. The owl is outclassed by Beastmaster's hawk and her searing arrows sound cool but without some serious attack speed, it doesn't do much (also doesn't work with orb of venom).KotG is very rarely used. If there ever was a tier 4, KotG, Dreadlord and Alchemist would all go there. The entangling roots are actually very nice but he is very fragile, can't tank for the army like the Demon Hunter can and his aura is kinda weak. His summon eats trees and over time you either run out of trees to eat (rare) or a fight happens in a location that doesn't have trees. They don't scale with level either so more points into it only mean more treants that do mediocre damage.

Again, the ult is incredible if not slightly wasted on the night elf army and its easily interruptable. The entangle could feasibly be used against the Blademaster but the Blademaster can usually solo the KotG even with entangle being used. KotG is typically a second pick but then the elf army is missing a strong tank/support since the Demon Hunter can't do it alone. If the NE goes Bear/Dryad then it's a little more viable. Bears with thorns aura can stack up a little extra damage on the orc army but thorns is wasted against practically every other army so are you really going to spend 5 food for literally a single spell?Priestess of the PotM of the Moon is probably one of the worst (if not the worst) 1v1 heroes but is great at pub stomping with her ult and team games love the damage aura.I know I'm focusing on NE vs.

Best Warcraft 3 Race

Orc but they also don't do very well against other races either. Against human, spellbreakers eat away at the mana of the KotG and priests can literally out heal the damage done by entangle normally. Not to mention you're begging for a Mountain King + Blood Mage combo to comeo ut to steal all yo mana and get Storm Bolted on a very fragile hero. Undead doesn't care that much if they get entangled due to Coil.

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You have a good point. Like I said, TC probably belongs in Tier 2. Mostly because of its necessity vs. DotT strats but I don't see TC as a required pick vs. Fiend/destro is nasty but I think Shadow Hunter is a perfectly acceptable alternative to TC if not a slightly better pick but I'm not an expert.I feel more comfortable putting TC in tier 3 because, while I understand why Orcs pick TC against DotTs, the mana issues of the TC means after using shockwave, its practically just an aura-grunt.

On top of this, the Demon Hunter's sole job is to mana burn the ever living shit out of TC just for this. So while TC is picked against DotTs, its merely out of necessity. Shockwave + Aura is only slightly better than picking Panda who only has Breath that does slightly less damage than shockwave.TC could absolutely go into tier 2 and people much smarter than me can argue for or against it better. It's like tier 2.9999999. My issue with it is that it's mana starved in a race that is already mana starved. Its aura is great but doesn't help the Blademaster that much. 5% faster attack speed isn't that useful and you'll more than likely not getting level 3 aura in a game unless you pick TC first.

It's also a huge target with low armor (Thus sucking up healing salves that cost money). Maybe I'm nitpicking, but I wouldn't fight too hard to keep TC in tier 3 if someone wants it in tier 2. Good point on the panda. I guess with raider ensnare and base movespeed the 10/20% movespeed from endurance isn't that big a deal. Does shockwave have a range advantage over breath of fire? In any case, I can't criticise your reasoning for placing TC in tier 2 vs 3.Regarding the UD matchup, I had thought SH wasn't so good since destroyers can eat hex and spirit link (so your heal wave isn't as effective as normal); but maybe I'm just plain wrong about that matchup?

I'm a complete noob, so it's likely. Shockwave has a range advantage yes. It also deals slightly more damage that fire breath. The movement speed boost is really only useful for the tauren himself and spiritwalkers. Not sayingi t's totally useless, it just doesn't have much use in an already mobile army.Destroyers can eat hex and spirit link for sure but TC shockwave can't hurt them at all. Shadow Hunter can at least mitigate some of the nuke damage of the heroes.

Destroyers can't 100% of the time eat every single buff and/or hex so hex isn't entirely wasted. Even if your hex works for merely 1 second, it may be enough time for the Blademaster to get a kill or whatever. If the undead is smart, he will bring an abomination or two over the fiend equivalent to help mitigate godlike shockwaves or Blademaster shenanigans. But no, TC isn't a 'must pick' vs. Undead in any regard. It has it's uses but the Undead Tri-hero and/or Frost Wyrm isn't threatened by TC but at least Shadow Hunter benefits the army with heals.On the other hand, War Stomp is a powerhouse. But you still have a nasty mana problem.

I think the Shockwave range advantage is actually quite important vs DH mana burn. Since you want to ensnare DH and cast spells on Talons from outside his manaburn range, TC is actually significantly better than Panda for aoe on Talons, don't you think?

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I wonder if the panda evasion/crit is actually better than the aura vs talons. TC equivalent with extra survivability and dps might be a game changer.War Stomp is what I've seen on TC vs undead (fiends/destros). Thanks for explaining the benefits of SH vs ud.