Software Cetak Foto 4x6
Select the 'Crop' tool. With the crop tool, you select part of the photo, and the tool discards the rest. Click on the top of the photo and drag the crop box down to the bottom of the photo. Drag it sideways until the box is 4 inches wide.
Download software cetak foto gratis untuk berbagai platform. Software ini memudahkan dalam mencetak foto. Ukuran 2x3 3x4 4x6 dan seterusnya bisa dilakukan dengan software ini. Mengedit sedikit sentuhan terhadap foto yang dicetak dengan memberikan pas foto. Menghemat kertas dengan mencetak perbaris. ACEF merupakan aplikasi yang langsung menata file dengan pilihan ukuran 2x3, 3x4, 4x6 tanpa perlu software editor. Feature: Cetak foto ukuran 2x3, 3x4, 4x6, 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R, 8R dan 8R+ Cetak per-baris, sehingga hemat kertas Tersedia ukuran kertas Kuarto dan ukuran kertas foto 4R Tata letak otomatis, menggunakan kertas sehemat.
Click on the photo and drag it around inside the crop box until the picture pleases you. Click 'OK' to crop the photo. When cropped, the photo becomes 6-by-4.Resize and Add a BorderOpen the photo in an image manipulation program.Open the 'Resize' menu usually located under the 'Image' menu. Enter 2.66 for the vertical measurement, and enter 4 for the horizontal measurement. Uncheck 'Resample Image.'
Open the 'Canvas Size' menu usually located under the 'Image' menu. Change the height to 6 inches.
Software Cetak Foto Ukuran 4x6
If desired, change the color under the 'Canvas Extension Color' drop box. After pressing 'OK,' the photo resizes to 6-by-4. Como crackear o construct 2 youtube. The original photo appears centered between a bar of color above and below it.